Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

"I will have such revenges on you...
What they are, yet I know not,
but they shall be the terrors of the earth."
In some scenarios the avenger could be viewed as a hero, but in seeking revenge does the avenger become the villain?
It is an interesting idea because although the avenger feels they have the right to justice by taking revenge, it is against the law. The conventional way would always be lawful.
But sometimes lawful means are not an option.
Abuse in relationships has been on the increase in recent years, in 2021 there were over 1.5 million incidents, 845,734 of these were recorded as domestic abuse-related crimes.
Most of these crimes are often hidden and will not be reported, many will not enter the criminal justice system because of this.
Over a third of recorded "violence against a person" were identified as domestic abuse-related.
(Office of National statistics report Nov 2021)
1-4 women in the UK is abused on a daily basis.
2 women a week die as a result of domestic violence.