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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


Inspiration and style comes in part from the following films: Sleeping with the Enemy (1991), Dolores Claiborne (1995), Dangerous Intentions (1995), Edge of Madness (2002), What’s Love Got to Do With it (1993) The Burning Bed (1984)


These may not be the most well known films on this subject, but they received critical acclaim for the actresses who portrayed the victims, in particular: Julia Roberts, Farrah Fawcett & Donna Mills.


Women rarely kill, when they do it is often due to abuse. Between April 2008 and March 2018, 108 men were killed by female partners, in contrast, during the same period, 840 women were killed by their male partners.

(Women's Aid October 2021)


43% were convicted of murder and 46% for manslaughter. Of those women convicted of murder 33% were sentenced to 20 years or more, and 35% to 15 years or more.


71% had stabbed their partners.


Women are more likely to use a weapon because they tend to be physically smaller, but use of a weapon carries a longer prison sentence.

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